Heavy alcholism, depression, divorce.
The Man Who Was A Suit of Armour
Tryong to find an easily readable solution for a friend with dyslexia. iven the themes of this story I feel obligated to say this: if you're struggling, help is available. Theiven the themes of this story I feel obligated to say this: if you're struggling, help is available. Theiven the themes of this story I feel obligated to say this: if you're struggling, help is available. Theiven the themes of this story I feel obligated to say this: if you're struggling, help is available. The
Given the themes of this story I feel obligated to say this: if you're struggling, help is available. The number for Lifeline Australia is 13 11 14, OR SMS at 0477 13 11 14. You can also chat to a volunteer on their website. I've needed their help in the past, and while they physically can't solve all your problems, it's nice to be able to talk to someone who's there to listen. If you're having thoughts of suicide, why not reach out to someone first. What have you got to lose?
You can read an older version of this story over here. I'm leaving it up as is for posterity, but this one is clearer.