All Characters:
Threadwitch (PF2e)
Name: Fulcrum Salt
Class: Witch (Psychic dedication)
Ancestry: Ancient Elf
Background: Magical Merchant
- A perfectly ordinary old elf.
Phantom Racer (PF2e)
Name: The Phantom (Ham for short)
Class: ????
Ancestry: Ancient Elf
Background: Revenant
- Gotta go fast.
Max Snow (PF2e)
Name: Max Snow
Class: Wizard (4)
Ancestry: Gnoll (Dromaar)
Background: Chef
- Wizard gnoll chef :)
The Medusa (5e)
Name: Emma Düsar
Class: Fighter (1)
Race: Yuan-ti Pureblood
Feats/Abilities: Blind Fighting Style, Find Familiar
- Literally blind.
The Beekeeper (5e)
Name: Zedikiah Bumble
Class: Swarmkeeper Ranger (11) / Battlemaster Fighter (6)
Race: Wood Elf
Feats/Abilities: Sharpshooter
- Essentially wanted to play a beekeeper.
- Played them in AL up to level 17.
The Butler (5e)
Name: Jeeves Darlington
Class: Eldritch Knight Fighter (7)
Race: Forest Gnome
- The first DnD character I really played. Essentially a teeny tiny bodyguard butler. Played him in the classic 'very well, sir' type manner.
- Always rolled very well on animal handling for some reason, even though he only had a +1.
- Played him in AL up to level 7. Had a fun dynamic with a tabaxi warlock for a while there - he was a noble, so we played the backstory as if Jeeves was his family butler. It just wasn't the same once that player stopped coming, though, so the tiny butler was retired.